It’s been a fair while since we’ve heard a mention of Stuxnet, so the potential for Stuxnet 2 is quite interesting. Of course at this point, it’s pretty much all just rumours – but still I’d be very surprised if such a thing wasn’t already in the works. Apparently in this case, it’s the Saudi […]
Complex Cyberwar Tool ‘Flamer’ Found Infecting Computers In Iran & Israel
In December last year, Microsoft released the patch for the vulnerability used by Duqu to propogate itself across Windows desktops. The other nasty worm going around was Stuxnet – both cyberwarfare tools, and most recently a piece of malware claimed to be more sophisticated than both has been found infecting computers in the middle east. […]
Microsoft Confirms Windows Zero Day Bug In Shortcut Files
This is a pretty nasty attack and for once Microsoft have actually acknowledged and confirmed this is a critical unpatched vulnerability. Incidentally Microsoft also recently retired Windows XP SP2 from the support cycle, and this vulnerability effects that system and they have stated they will not be patching it. It’s a pretty serious bug and […]