So this story caught my eye and I found it pretty interesting as it reads like something out of a Tom Clancy novel crossed with a bunch of script kiddies, a Navy Sys Admin has been charged with conspiracy to hack – the interesting part was that he hacked the Navy (whilst working there..) and […]
aidSQL – PHP Application For SQL Injection Detection & Exploitation
aidSQL a PHP application provided for detecting security holes in your website/s. It’s a modular application, meaning that you can develop your very own plugins for SQL injection detection & exploitation. The tool provides pen-testing capabilities for MS-SQL 2000, MySQL 5 and the author promises to add Oracle 10g support – but that doesn’t seem […]
1 Million Accounts Leaked From Banks, Government Agencies & Consultancy Firms
Seems like some hactivists have been working hard, 1 million accounsts were leaked over the weekend from some pretty serious sources by the group Team GhostShell – who are affiliated with Anonymous. It seems like these weren’t particularly complex or technically adept multi-layer attacks, they were carried out via the most common avenue – SQL […]
Hcon Security Testing Framework (HconSTF) v0.4 – Fire Base
HconSTF is an Open Source Penetration Testing Framework based on different browser technologies, Which helps any security professional to assists in the Penetration testing or vulnerability scanning assessment. It contains webtools which are capable of carrying out XSS attacks, SQL Injection, siXSS, CSRF, Trace XSS, RFI, LFI, etc. It could prove useful to anybody interested […]
Yahoo! Voices Hacked With SQL Injection – Passwords In Plaintext
There’s been a few HUGE cases of large sites being hacked and exposing either plaintext or extremely poorly encrypted passwords, it happened to LinkedIn not that long ago – and the latest case is of Yahoo!. It wasn’t the main site, but with almost half a million username and password combos exposed – it’s a […]