So another hack has been exposed, this time on ICANN – which is pretty bad. They are the database of the Internet basically, including the root zone system which is the highest authority for DNS requests. “The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a non-profit organization that is responsible for the coordination […]
spear phishing
Hackers Break Into White House Military Network
It’s been a while, but hey I’m back! So here’s a news story that caught my eye today – it’s been a while since we’ve reported on a Spear Phishing attack, and guess what? Yes, last time it was also perpetrated by Chinese, but it was targeting Google’s Gmail. Targeted Phishing Attacks Carried Out On […]
Targeted Phishing Attacks Carried Out On Gmail – Likely From China
It was just about a week ago when we wrote about the technical flaw in Hotmail and the fact that the Hotmail Exploit Has Been Silently Stealing E-mail for some time. The latest news is some hackers have been targeting users of the Gmail service, specifically US government officials. This comes shortly after the news […]