The Metasploit Project is proud to announce the release of the Metasploit Framework version 3.4.1. This release sees the first official non-Windows Meterpreter payload, in PHP as discussed last month here. Rest assured that more is in store for Meterpreter on other platforms. A new extension called Railgun is now integrated into Meterpreter courtesy of […]
Metasploit 3.4.0 Hacking Framework Released – Over 100 New Exploits Added
[ad] Metasploit provides useful information and tools for penetration testers, security researchers, and IDS signature developers. This project was created to provide information on exploit techniques and to create a functional knowledgebase for exploit developers and security professionals. The tools and information on this site are provided for legal security research and testing purposes only. […]
Metasploit 3.3 Released! Exploitation Framework
[ad] What is Metasploit? The Metasploit Framework is a development platform for creating security tools and exploits. The framework is used by network security professionals to perform penetration tests, system administrators to verify patch installations, product vendors to perform regression testing, and security researchers world-wide. The framework is written in the Ruby programming language and […]
nUbuntu Development Kicking Off Again – Security LiveCD
[ad] We did mention nUbuntu long ago in our famous 10 Best Security Live CD Distros (Pen-Test, Forensics & Recovery) article. After that it stopped development for quite some time, thankfully some new blood has picked it up and development has started again! With over a year of inactivity, the latest alpha of nUbuntu 8.04 […]
MoocherHunter – Detect & Track Rogue Wifi Users
MoocherHunter is a mobile tracking software tool for the real-time on-the-fly geo-location of wireless moochers and hackers. It’s included as part of the OSWA Assistant LiveCD we mentioned quite recently. What does MoocherHunter do? MoocherHunter identifies the location of an 802.11-based wireless moocher or hacker by the traffic they send across the network. If they […]