So Linux Live CDs based around hacking or penetration testing used to be a super big deal, they died down a bit in the last few years. The king of the hill back in 2011 used to be BackTrack and the last time we mentioned it was when BackTrack 5 came out. This article is […]
Weaknet Linux – Penetration Testing & Forensic Analysis Linux Distribution
[ad] WeakNet Linux is designed primarily for penetration testing, forensic analysis and other security tasks. WeakNet Linux IV was built from Ubuntu 9.10 which is a Debian based distro. All references to Ubuntu have been removed as the author completely re-compiled the kernel, removed all Ubuntu specific software which would cause the ISO to bloat, […]
Techm4sters Releases ProTech Security Distribution
[ad] Techm4sters e-mailed us recently to let us know about their new security distro called ProTech, we haven’t had time to download it and test it yet but it certainly looks promising. – What is PROTECH? Protech is a very light live security distribution based on Ubuntu Linux. – Is this like Nubuntu? It is […]