So after our report on Monday – Sony Rebuilding PlayStation Network (PSN) – Down 4 Days So Far – news had been spilling out about this whole thing pretty much non-stop. It appears the network is still down and there was some serious data loss including user data for millions of users being stolen. All […]
ps3 security
Sony Rebuilding PlayStation Network (PSN) – Down 4 Days So Far
There’s been a few big stories in the past few days, one is of course the whole iPhone geo-location data tracking thing – but everyone was too busy checking into Foursquare to complain about that. The other is that the Sony PlayStation Network (PSN) basically got hacked, owned and raped. It’s still currently down and […]
Happy New Year Geohot – Court Orders Seizure Of PS3 Hacker’s Computers
We published the story about the Playstation 3 (PS3) Finally Hacked & Exploit Released back in January 2010. The exploit of course developed by the very prolific hacker and jailbreaker extraordinaire Geohot. He became notorious way back in 2007 by fulling unlocking the iPhone and then again in 2008 by jailbreaking the iPhone running 1.12 […]
Security Software Moves to Consoles – Web Filtering for PS3
[ad] Ah it seems some companies are having the same idea as me, consoles might well be the next infection vector for zombie style botnets, they have good processing power, the current generation has ample hard-drive space and they are network connected. The difference with consoles is they tend to be turned off when not […]