[ad] Pcapy is a Python extension module that interfaces with the libpcap packet capture library. Pcapy enables python scripts to capture packets on the network. Pcapy is highly effective when used in conjunction with a packet-handling package such as Impacket, which is a collection of Python classes for constructing and dissecting network packets. Advantages of […]
Tutorial for Fuzzled – Writing a Fuzzer with the Fuzzled Framework
[ad] If you remember we mentioned Fuzzled a little while back, the PERL fuzzing framework. Apparently Fuzzled 1.1 should be coming out soon. Fuzzled is a powerful fuzzing framework. Fuzzled includes helper functions, namespaces, factories which allow a wide variety of fuzzing tools to be developed. Fuzzled comes with several example protocols and drivers for […]
LORCON (Loss Of Radio CONnectivity) 802.11 Packet Library
[ad] The LORCON packet injection library provides a high level interface to transmit IEEE 802.11 packets onto a wireless medium. Written for Linux systems, this architecture simplifies the development of 802.11 packet injection through an abstraction layer, making the development of auditing and assessment tools driver- independent. Using LORCON, developers can write tools that inject […]
Security Freak Video Lectures – Hacking, Programming, Networking & More
[ad] A while back a reader e-mailed us about a new site they have called Security Freak, the site is about informatin security education and is mostly using video lectures to illustrate and convey the lessons. Security-Freak.net is an attempt to lower the entry barrier for starting computer security research. The author has noticed that […]
Fuzzled – PERL Fuzzing Framework
[ad] There has been an explosion of fuzzing tools lately, quite a few we have mentioned here on Darknet. Someone else noticed this, and wondered where is the Perl framework to complete the family? With that in mind he spent the last few months working on something that should fill the gap – Fuzzled. Fuzzled […]