We haven’t published anything about the Defense Department for a while, the last news really was the whole RSA SecurID thing which affected some of the US DoD sub-contractors. The latest news is they’ve been hit with a colossal lawsuit of almost $5 Billion! The lawsuit is regarding a recent breach involving a healthcare system […]
Anonymous Twitter Alternative Created For Protesters & Revolutionaries
There was a mass of news back in August about the London riots and how social media (especially Twitter) and the BlackBerry Messenger service (BBM) enabled the rioters to organize themselves via broadcast messages and tweets. After discovering a lot of rioters got busted from their Tweets and BBM messages (which are of course traceable) […]
Groupon India Subsidiary Leaks 300,000 Plain Text User Passwords
Oh look! Another data-leak, this was was pretty bad as it contained plain-text passwords (who on earth doesn’t hash their passwords in the DB in 2011?!). Anyway this time it was a Groupon subsidary – Sosata.com which managed to leak the e-mail addresses and plain-text passwords for 300,000 users AND on top of that, Google […]
Targeted Phishing Attacks Carried Out On Gmail – Likely From China
It was just about a week ago when we wrote about the technical flaw in Hotmail and the fact that the Hotmail Exploit Has Been Silently Stealing E-mail for some time. The latest news is some hackers have been targeting users of the Gmail service, specifically US government officials. This comes shortly after the news […]
Web Hacking Incident Database Shows DoS Attacks On The Rise
It seems like the formidable Anonymous army has managed to change the weighting of stats collected by the Web Hacking Incident Database (WHID) with it’s vast array of DDoS attacks. We’ve reported on a couple of them like back in December when the WikiLeaks Attacks Caused Rival DDoS Retaliation. There have been a whole lot […]