So this is a big one, and thankfully this PayPal Remote Code Execution Vulnerability was discovered by security researchers and not the bad guys. Although there’s no way for us to know if someone has been using this to siphon data out of PayPal for some time before the whitehats found it. It’s a roundabout […]
eBay Hacked – 128 Million Users To Reset Passwords
The big news this week is that the massive online auction site eBay has been hacked, the compromise appears to have taken place a few months around February/March but has only come to light recently when employee login credentials were used. This is 3 times bigger than the massive 42 Million passwords leaked by Cupid […]
A Story Of Social Engineering – How @N Lost His $50,000 Twitter Handle
So last week I read an interesting tale about social engineering on Medium, a story by a chap named Naoki Hiroshima and his Twitter handle, which was @N. Yes just one letter, a pretty rare and it seems valuable handle as he had offers of up to $50,000 for it. In the end though, someone […]
16 Year Old Indian Hacker Busted for eBay Scam
[ad] Looks like India has them moving into the hacking scene young, it’ll happen anywhere with decent network infrastructure and disparate levels of economy. Look at Eastern Europe and China as other examples, India though due to it’s outsourcing culture and plentiful legitimate jobs in the IT industry doesn’t seem to suffer so many problems […]