The OneLogin hack is blowing up now it seems like whoever got access can also decrypt encrypted customer data which is just about AS BAD as it can get for a password/identity management service. Now I’m a HUGE supporter of password management tools as I’ve mentioned many times here, so anyone who signed up for […]
password manager
LastPass Hacked – Leaking Passwords Via Chrome Extension
LastPass Hacked – Leaking Passwords is not new, last week its Firefox extension was picked apart – now this week it’s Chrome extension is giving up its goodies. I’ve always found LastPass a bit suspect, even though they are super easy to use, and have a nice UI they’ve had TOO many serious security issues […]
123456 Still The Most Common Password For 2015
So sadly, but also unsurprisingly ‘123456’ is still the most common password for 2015 (based on leaked password lists) the same as it was in years before, e.g. The 25 Worst Passwords Of 2013 – “password” Is Not #1. Way back in 2006, it clocked in at number 5 in a rather UK centric look […]
Password Manager Security – LastPass, RoboForm Etc Are Not That Safe
We’ve talked a lot about using a password manager to secure, generate and manage your passwords – way back since 2008 when we introduced you to the Password Hasher Firefox Extension. Since then we’ve also mentioned it multiple times in articles where plain text passwords were leaked during hacks, such as the Cupid Media hack […]
Password Hasher Firefox Extension
Well seen as though we were talking about breaking passwords, here’s a tool for Firefox to help you manage your more secure passwords. Better security without bursting your brain Password Hasher is a Firefox security extension for generating site-specific strong passwords from one (or a few) master key(s). What good security practice demands: Strong passwords […]