BetterCAP is a powerful, modular, portable MiTM framework that allows you to perform various types of Man-In-The-Middle attacks against the network. It can also help to manipulate HTTP and HTTPS traffic in real-time and much more. BetterCap has some pretty impressive Spoofing abilities with multiple host discovery (just launch the tool and it will start […]
network hacking tool
Zarp – Network Attack Tool
Zarp is a network attack tool centred around the exploitation of local networks. This does not include system exploitation, but rather abusing networking protocols and stacks to take over, infiltrate, and knock out. Sessions can be managed to quickly poison and sniff multiple systems at once, dumping sensitive information automatically or to the attacker directly. […]
HookME – API Based TCP Proxy Including SSL
HookME is an API based TCP Proxy software designed for intercepting communications by hooking the desired process and hooking the API calls for sending and receiving network data (even SSL clear data). HookME provides a nice graphic user interface allowing you to change the packet content in real time, dropping or forwarding the packet. It […]
ARPwner – ARP & DNS Poisoning Attack Tool
ARPwner is a tool to do ARP poisoning and DNS poisoning attacks, with a simple GUI and a plugin system to do filtering of the information gathered, also has a implementation of sslstrip and is coded 100% in python and on Github, so you can modify according to your needs. This tool was released by […]
T50 – Experimental Mixed Packet Injector & Network Stress Testing Tool
T50 Sukhoi PAK FA Mixed Packet Injector (f.k.a. F22 Raptor) is a tool designed to perform “Stress Testing”. It is a powerful and an unique packet injection tool, that is capable of the below: 1 – Send sequentially (i.e., ALMOST on the same time) the following protocols: ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol IGMP: Internet Group […]