xSQL Scanner is a advanced SQL audit tool that allows users to find weak passwords and vulnerabilities on MS-SQL and MySQL database servers. The objective of xSQLScanner is to assist the Security Analyst or Penetration Tester in auditing the security of MS-SQL and MySQL database servers. Features Test for weak password fast; Test for wear/user […]
sqlninja v0.2.5 Released – Microsoft SQL Server (MS-SQL) SQL Injection Vulnerability Tool
[ad] It’s been 2 years, but a new version of sqlninja is out at Sourceforge, we wrote about the previous release back in 2008 and we’ve actually been following this tool since 2006! Sqlninja is a tool to exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web application that uses Microsoft SQL Server as its back-end. Its […]
mssql-hax0r v0.9 – Multi-purpose MS-SQL injection script
[ad] mssql-hax0r v0.9 is a Multi-purpose MS-SQL injection attack tool for advanced Microsoft SQL Server exploitation. Three modes of operation are currently available: info (Information Gathering), dump (Record Dump), and brute (Brute Force). You may need to tweak the code a bit to make it fit your needs (i.e. modifying the injection string and/or the […]