Interesting timing this one, just a couple of days ago we reported – Avira Joins The Crowd & Starts To Offer Mac Antivirus Software – and now an unpatched vulnerability in Java for Mac OS that is being exploited in the wild. The vulnerability (CVE-2012-0507) was patched in Java by Oracle back in February, but […]
Java Based Cross Platform Malware Trojan (Mac/Linux/Windows)
It’s pretty rare to read about malware on the Linux or Mac OSX platforms and even more rare to read about cross-platform malware which targets both AND Windows by using Java. A neat piece of coding indeed, it targets vulnerabilities in all 3 operating systems – the sad thing? The malware itself is vulnerable to […]
Apple Struggling With Security & Malware
[ad] It’s inevitable as Apple products become more and more popular they will get targeted by the bad guys. Count on more viruses, malware, exploits and rootkits for Apple Operating Systems. They are a bit behind in the curve as they don’t have a formal security program and it’s unknown if they use secure development […]
McAfee Seeds Mac Virus Threat FUD
[ad] What a surprise, McAfee spreading FUD to sell more copies of their bloated AV software? Apart from the fact I think the whole AV model is flawed i.e. it can only protect against things the AV companies 1) know about 2) have written a definition for and 3) have delivered the definition to you […]