So there’s been a fair bit of noise this past week about the Mac OS X Ransomware, the first of its’ kind called KeRanger. It also happens to be the first popular Mac malware of any form for some time. It’s also a lesson to all the Apple fanbois that their OS is not impervious […]
mac trojan
Zero Day Java Vulnerability Exploited – Macs Infected With Flashback Malware
Interesting timing this one, just a couple of days ago we reported – Avira Joins The Crowd & Starts To Offer Mac Antivirus Software – and now an unpatched vulnerability in Java for Mac OS that is being exploited in the wild. The vulnerability (CVE-2012-0507) was patched in Java by Oracle back in February, but […]
Java Based Cross Platform Malware Trojan (Mac/Linux/Windows)
It’s pretty rare to read about malware on the Linux or Mac OSX platforms and even more rare to read about cross-platform malware which targets both AND Windows by using Java. A neat piece of coding indeed, it targets vulnerabilities in all 3 operating systems – the sad thing? The malware itself is vulnerable to […]