Lynis is an open source linux security auditing tool. The primary goal is to help users with auditing and hardening of Unix and Linux based systems. The software is very flexible and runs on almost every Unix based system (including Mac). Even the installation of the software itself is optional! It’s a great tool for […]
Lynis 1.2.6 Released – UNIX System & Security Auditing Tool
[ad] Lynis is an auditing tool for Unix (specialists). It scans the system and available software, to detect security issues. Beside security related information it will also scan for general system information, installed packages and configuration mistakes. This software aims in assisting automated auditing, software patch management, vulnerability and malware scanning of Unix based systems. […]
Lynis – Security & System Auditing Tool for UNIX/Linux
[ad] Lynis is an auditing tool for Unix (specialists). It scans the system and available software, to detect security issues. Beside security related information it will also scan for general system information, installed packages and configuration mistakes. This is a tool that might be useful for both penetration testers performing white box tests and system […]