[ad] The first round results of the Linux Reverse Engineering Hacker Challenge are out! http://www.hackerchallenge.org It was expected that an intermediate hacker with Linux experience should be able to defeat the protection(s) in less than 10 hours. Participants may earn up to $4100 USD. A total of 93 individuals registered to participate in the first […]
Linux Hacking
Metasploit 3.0 Beta 3 Released
[ad] The Metasploit Framework is an advanced open-source exploit development platform. The 3.0 tree represents a complete rewrite of the 2.0 codebase and provides a scalable and extensible framework for security tool development. The 3.0 Beta 3 release includes support for exploit automation, 802.11 wireless packet injection, and kernel-mode payloads. Windows users are now presented […]
Metasploit 2.7 Released – Automated Hacking
[ad] The Metasploit Framework is an advanced open-source exploit development platform. The 2.7 release includes three user interfaces, 157 exploits and 76 payloads.The Framework will run on any modern operating system that has a working Perl interpreter. The Windows installer includes a slimmed-down version of the Cygwin environment. Windows users are encouraged to update as […]
Linux Kernel 2.6.x PRCTL Core Dump Handling – Local r00t Exploit ( BID 18874 / CVE-2006-2451 )
[ad] A working version of the exploit used to escalate privileges to root in the recent Debian breakin, ah another root kernel exploit. It’s to do with the way the kernel handles file permissions (or lack of) on core dumps. Linux kernel is prone to a local privilege-escalation vulnerability. A local attacker may gain elevated […]
Debian Development Machine ‘gluck’ Hacked!
[ad] Ah, I wonder what happened? I’ve always been a great fan of Debian, all the way back into the early days of woody and backporting apt packages. What a name too, gluck to me usually means g’luck or good luck ;) Early this morning we discovered that someone had managed to compromise gluck.debian.org. We’ve […]