Well everyone has been waiting for a Jailbreak for the iPad 2 with the latest version of iOS – it happened and only hours later the malformed PDF files that were used in the exploit were circulating the Internet. It’s not the first time this has happened, last time jailbreakme did the same thing back […]
iphone jailbreak
Dangerous iPhone iOS JailBreak Exploit Goes Public
Apple just released a patch for iOS that fixes the vulnerability that was being used by JailbreakMe website to exploit a weakness in PDF handling to Jailbreak the device. Shortly after that the developer of the JailbreakMe exploit released the code to the public via GitHub. The code is available in full here: http://github.com/comex/star But […]
PwnageTool 4.01 Released – Jailbreak For iPhone & iPod Firmware 4.0 (iOS4)
[ad] The big news in the Apple-sphere recently was the released of iOS 4, which *shock&awe* has folders and multi-tasking – w00t. You can of course jailbreak it with the newly updated PwnageTool 4.01. On Monday, Apple released firmware 4.0 for the iPhone and iPod touch devices. This of course was a major upgrade. As […]
Apple iPhone Unlocked Again – 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 Firmware
[ad] Once again Apple iPhone has been unlocked by a determined youngster, the same who was amongst the first to unlock it last year winning himself a rather nice car and a few 8gb iPhones. It just shows nothing is infallible, all he needed to find was a writable memory address and he was pretty […]