Introduction I do examine Security Software now and then to see what’s going on, if there are any new developments and what the state of affairs is when it comes to consumer grade Antivirus and Firewall software. Countermeasures are useful, especially when it comes to less tech savvy users (which we may happen to live […]
UK Has The Worst Internet Security In Europe
[ad] Interesting story for our British readers, seems like back in Old Blighty people are a bit lax when it comes to keeping their security software up to date. Not only that, from the other aspects of the survey it seems UK is generally lacking in cybersecurity awareness and education with people not deleting dodgy […]
Morris Worm To Turn 20 – How Far Things Have Come
[ad] Robert Tappan Morris is a character of Internet lore, anyone who has studied Computer Science, Software Engineering or Computer Security will have heard of this guy. He’s pretty much the fellow that made the Internet famous (for all the wrong reasons) and the first creator of a bit of self-replicating network based malware (now […]
Site Guesses Your Gender via Browsing History
[ad] This is a pretty old issue, but this is an interesting new implementation of an old idea. Using your browser history and by matching your browsing habits the site attempts to guess your gender with a weighting system according to the gender demographics for a list of fairly popular sites. It’s not super accurate […]
Up to a Quarter of Internet Connected Machines Could be Zombies
[ad] It’s a scary thought to find out perhaps a quarter of Internet connected machines could be zombies…The sad part is, I think it could well be true, as most of the non tech savvy Internet users I know still use Internet Exploder and their machines are riddled with crapware, trojans, viruses and spyware. Imagine […]