A new version of HoneyDrive has been released codenamed Royal Jelly which is HoneyDrive 3 the greatest Honeypot download out there, Honeypots in a box is a great concept if you want to deploy a honeypot quickly without too much hassle. HoneyDrive is a fairly comprehensive Linux distro based which allows you to quickly download […]
PenTBox – Penetration Testing Security Suite
PenTBox is a Security Suite that packs security and stability testing oriented tools for networks and systems. Programmed in Ruby and oriented to GNU/Linux systems, but compatible with Windows, MacOS and every systems where Ruby works. It is free, licensed under GNU/GPLv3. PenTBox Contains Cryptography tools Base64 Encoder & Decoder Multi-Digest (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, […]
DShield Web Honeypot Project – Alpha Version Released
[ad] For those of you who are not familiar with DShield (where have you been? under a rock?) it’s a Cooperative Network Security Community. Basically what that means is they collect firewall logs and map out the trends. Like when there was a worm going around that bruteforced SSH2 you could see a spike in […]
HoneyBot – A Windows Based Honeypot
HoneyBOT HoneyBOT is a Windows based medium interaction honeypot solution. What is a Honeypot? A honeypot is a device placed on a computer network specifically designed to capture malicious network traffic. The logging capability of a honeypot is far greater than any other network security tool and captures raw packet level data even including the […]
Malware Honeypot Projects Merge – mwcollect and nepenthes
[ad] Looking to streamline the collection of malware samples, two of the biggest honeypot projects mwcollect and nepenthes have merged operations. The two projects, which passively trap viruses, spyware and other forms of malicious software by emulating known vulnerabilities, will combine operations to develop a single malware collection tool, according to an announcement my mwcollect […]