hashID is a tool to help you identify different types of hashes used to encrypt data, especially passwords. It’s written in Python 3 and supports the identification of over 220 unique hash types using regular expressions. hashID is able to identify a single hash, parse a file or read multiple files in a directory and […]
hash identifier
Hash Identifier – Identify Types Of Hashes Used To Encrypt Passwords
Hash Identifier or HashID is a Python-based tool that allows you to quickly identify types of hashes used to encrypt passwords. It supports over 220 unique hash types using regular expressions. Somewhat similar to HashTag – Password Hash Type Identification (Identify Hashes) – which we posted about a while back. It is able to identify […]
HashTag – Password Hash Type Identification (Identify Hashes)
HashTag.py is a Python script written to parse and identify the password hash type used. HashTag supports the identification of over 250 hash types along with matching them to over 110 hashcat modes (use the command line switch -hc to output the hashcat modes). It is also able to identify a single hash, parse a […]