[ad] Another interesting attack, rather than going after the PC/Server this one goes after the data sent by wireless devices such as the wireless keyboards sold by Microsoft. The neat thing is by using a replay attack you could also send rogue inputs to the device. But then it serves Microsoft right for using XOR […]
Boffins Crack OpenSSL Library Using Power Fluctuations
[ad] Now this is a very interesting technique, as far as I know I’ve not seen anything similar to this before. It’s like a rather bizarre meld of hardware hacking and software exploitation using cryptographic algorithm cracking techniques. Some rather smart fellas have found a way to extract the private SSL key from a device […]
Veterans Administration Chief Says Laptop Recovered
[ad] Ah, so finally they got it back, from a street corner of all places. Let’s hope they shall be a little more careful in the future yah? The missing laptop and hard drive that contained veterans’ personal information has been found, Veterans Administration Chief Jim Nicholson announced Thursday. The announcement came at the beginning […]