Once again WiFi security is in the news, this time a new report in the UK shows that almost half of UK home WiFi networks could be compromised within 5 seconds. While that sounds a little dramatic it wouldn’t surprise me if a lot still have no WEP key at all. And even if they […]
WPA2 Vulnerability Discovered – “Hole 196” – A Flaw In GTK (Group Temporal Key)
Well as it tends to be, when something is scrutinized for long enough and with enough depth flaws will be uncovered. This time the victim is WPA2 – the strongest protection for your Wi-fi network which is standardized. WEP fell long ago and there’s a myriad of WEP Cracking tools available. In 2008 it was […]
inSSIDer v1.2.3.1014 – Wi-Fi network scanner For Windows
inSSIDer is an award-winning free Wi-Fi network scanner for Windows Vista and Windows XP. Because NetStumbler doesn’t work well with Vista and 64-bit XP, we built an open-source Wi-Fi network scanner designed for the current generation of Windows operating systems. What’s Unique about inSSIDer? Use Windows Vista and Windows XP 64-bit. Uses the Native Wi-Fi […]
WEPBuster – Wireless Security Assessment Tool – WEP Cracking
[ad] WEPBuster basically seems to be a toolkit that attempts to automate the tasks done by the various parts of the aircrack-ng suite. The end goal of course is to crack the WEP key of a given Wireless network. Features The main part of this is the autonomous nature of the toolkit, it can crack […]
Confused by WEP, WPA, TKIP, AES & Other Wireless Security Acronyms?
I found an interesting article today which sums up most of the acryonyms involved in wireless networks and wireless security and explain them all in brief. It may clear things up for some people who get overwhelmed by all the jargon, especially with the recent news hitting the mainstream about WPA being partially cracked. Users […]