Honestly there hasn’t been much news over the holiday period, well maybe there was but no one bothered reporting it. There was the Stratfor case of course, which Anonymous is saying wasn’t anything to do with them. The scale of this incident somehow reminds me of the whole TJ MAXX fiasco a few years back. […]
Security Boom Post 9/11
[ad] It makes sense really, the paranoia that quickly infected every corner of the ‘Western’ world had to be cashed in on by somebody, tada! The security industry of course. During the Cold War, Canada’s National Optics Institute developed a system to detect which type of enemy tank or fighter jet was approaching. After the […]
The Biggest Web Defacement Ever
[ad] A Turkish hacker using the handle iSKORPiTX was able to breach the security of a group of web servers, containing more than 38.500 web sites in less than a day! Iskorpitx is believed to be 45 years old, sometimes being helped for minor defacement activities by another Turkish “senior cracker” (42) going by the […]
Information about the Internet Explorer Exploit createTextRange Code Execution
[ad] Internet Storm Center’s always informative Diary has some good information. At the urging of Handler Extraordinaire Kyle Haugsness, I tested the sploit on a box with software-based DEP and DropMyRights… here are the results: Software-based DEP protecting core Windows programs: sploit worked Software-based DEP protecting all programs: sploit worked DropMyRights, config’ed to allow IE […]
Download youtube.com videos?
Ever wanted to download those cool videos from youtube.com? (Its an online video storage site similar to imageshack.us for storing images) and can’t because those peeps made it difficult for you to just download them offline? Well now you can !! Go to fileleecher.com and follow the instructions on how to copy the youtube.com video […]