LastPass Hacked – Leaking Passwords is not new, last week its Firefox extension was picked apart – now this week it’s Chrome extension is giving up its goodies. I’ve always found LastPass a bit suspect, even though they are super easy to use, and have a nice UI they’ve had TOO many serious security issues […]
google project zero
Critical Remote Root Zero-Day In FireEye Appliances
So FireEye doesn’t have a particularly good reputation in the security community, it’s generally not handled responsible disclosure well and it’s even taken a security firm (ERNW) to court over a vulnerability disclosure. And now there’s another critical remote root zero-day in FireEye appliances – which is scary, as these are high end devices protecting […]
Rowhammer – DDR3 Exploit – What You Need To Know
So the big news this week was the release of details of a very clever hardware attack posted by Google’s Project Zero security initiative called Rowhammer. The impressive part is this is a hardware/manufacturing bug that has elevated to a software based attack. In simple terms Rowhammer is an attack that exploits physical weaknesses in […]