And once again Google is in the news regarding privacy issues, this time it’s regarded their social networking service Buzz (which by all accounts is pretty much a flop). The way in which the service used Gmail users address books alarmed a lot of people and the default settings were rather risky and revealed a […]
Australian Privacy Commissioner Rules Google Wifi Actions Illegal
[ad] Oh dear, poor Google seem to be catching all kinds of flak over their Wifi Data Collection. The UK Met are already investigating them and they are being pulled to pieces in Germany too with France also weighing in. The latest to jump on the bandwagon is Australia which is stating they have breached […]
UK Metropolitan Police To Investigate Google Wifi Data Collection
[ad] Well Google has been getting quite a lot of flack lately over the fact that it had been scanning open Wi-fi access points whilst compiling data for street view. At first people just thought it’s fair enough, they are just scanning for the SSID and recording if it’s publicly accessible or not – which […]
Google to Reveal Youtube Viewing Details to Viacom
[ad] Now this is an interesting privacy related case to think about over the weekend, Google has to reveal viewing details for Youtube to Viacom. Anyone who has EVER watched a Youtube video, that’s pretty extreme. Luckily most people are using dynamic IP addresses, so it shouldn’t be too much of a concern. Unless of […]
Google Desktop 3 Enterprise
[ad] Google Enterprise has reacted to privacy concerns and released Google Desktop 3 Enterprise. It responds to security concerns allowing full administrator control, letting them use the standard group policy settings to completely disable features, including the controversial Search Across Computers feature which you can read about in our original article. Google Enterprise’s Article