So there’s been a bit of debate lately about Google’s Chrome apps after the launch, most of you have probably heard of Chrome OS a while back with a few Chromebooks popping up here and there. Chrome Apps are the next generation of browser apps that can be run offline and eventually will be cross […]
google chrome security
Google Patches 32 Chrome Browser Bugs & Releases Version 14
Google and their Chrome browser have really been stepping things up lately when it comes to security and browsing, we reported not along ago on Google Chrome To Protect Users Against Malicious Executables. Also since we reported on the Chrome bug bounty program back in February 2010 – Google Willing To Pay Bounty For Chrome […]
VUPEN Whitehats Claim To Have Broken Chrome Sandbox
The big news recently is that someone has finally managed to pop the formidable Chrome browser, as we know from following Pwn2Own – it’s been safe for 3 years in a row. It has a sandbox, ASLR and DEP and that’s a pretty heavy combination to keep users safe from malicious software coming in via […]
Google Chrome Set To Follow Firefox In Blocking Out-of-date Plug-ins
[ad] It’s good news to see that Google is taking security issues seriously when it comes to its Chrome browser. This has been shown before when Google was Willing To Pay Bounty For Chrome Browser Bugs. And well honestly, we haven’t had a lot of news of exploits in Chrome. Perhaps it’s because the user-base […]
Google Willing To Pay Bounty For Chrome Browser Bugs
[ad] This is a pretty interesting development from Google and also seems to be coming much more common now, companies openly offering payments for bugs/vulnerabilities discovered in their software. It’s a chance for the white-hat guys to earn a few bucks, but honestly I don’t think it’s going to change anything. Especially not when we’re […]