dcrawl is a simple, but smart, multithreaded web crawler for randomly gathering huge lists of unique domain names. How does dcrawl work? dcrawl takes one site URL as input and detects all a href= links in the site’s body. Each found link is put into the queue. Successively, each queued link is crawled in the […]
Up1 – Client Side Encrypted Image Host
Up1 is a client side encrypted image host that that can also encrypt text, and other data, and then store them, with the server knowing nothing about the contents. It has the ability to view images, text with syntax highlighting, short videos, and arbitrary binaries as downloadables. How it Works Before an image is uploaded, […]
Gophish – Open-Source Phishing Framework
Gophish is a phishing framework that makes the simulation of real-world phishing attacks very straight forwards. The idea behind gophish is simple – make industry-grade phishing training available to everyone. There are various other similar tools available such as Simple Phishing Toolkit and sptoolkit Rebirth. I wonder if this is the beginning of an emergence […]
Passera – Generate A Unique Strong Password For Every Website
We’ve discussed password storage/generation solutions quite often, especially in the news stories about hacks and plain text password leaks, here’s a tool for the more paranoid who don’t want to store their passwords locally or in the cloud. Passera is a simple tool written in Go that allows users to generate a unique strong password […]