[ad] It turns out yesterday one of the planned speakers at HOPE Number 6 was arrested on Saturday and is being charged by the FBI. Security Fix obtained a copy of the complaint against “Steven Rambam” the private investigator arrested Saturday at the Hope Number Six hacker conference in New York City. The government document […]
Consultant Breached FBI’s Computers
[ad] Using standard script kiddy tools a consultant managed to compromise some of the FBI’s computers containing confidential information. Quite a hack eh? A government consultant, using computer programs easily found on the Internet, managed to crack the FBI’s classified computer system and gain the passwords of 38,000 employees, including that of FBI Director Robert […]
Veterans Administration Chief Says Laptop Recovered
[ad] Ah, so finally they got it back, from a street corner of all places. Let’s hope they shall be a little more careful in the future yah? The missing laptop and hard drive that contained veterans’ personal information has been found, Veterans Administration Chief Jim Nicholson announced Thursday. The announcement came at the beginning […]