It was only the start of July when we talked about Adobe Patching PDF Vulnerabilities Being Exploited In The Wild and once again they are suffering a serious vulnerability which allows code execution from a malicious PDF document. This time the vulnerability came out during Black Hat and it seems to be serious as Adobe […]
Browser Fuzzer 3 (bf3) – Comprehensive Web Browser Fuzzing Tool
[ad] Browser Fuzzer 3, or bf3, is a comprehensive web browser fuzzer. Browser Fuzzer 3 is designed as a hybrid framework/standalone fuzzer; the modules it uses are extensible but also highly integrated into the core. bf3 can be used via command line to set all necessary flags for each fuzzing operation. After initialization, bf3 creates […]
Microsoft CAT.NET v1.1.1.9 – Binary Code Analysis Tool .NET
[ad] CAT.NET is a binary code analysis tool that helps identify common variants of certain prevailing vulnerabilities that can give rise to common attack vectors such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), SQL Injection and XPath Injection. CAT.NET is a snap-in to the Visual Studio IDE that helps you identify security flaws within a managed code (C#, […]
fm-fsf – Freakin’ Simple Fuzzer – Cross Platform Fuzzing Tool
[ad] fm-fsf is a new fuzzer/data scraper that works under OSX, Linux (with Mono) and Windows (.NET Framework). Fuzzing tools are always useful if you are looking at discovering some new flaws in a software or web service. Quick Info FSF is a plug-in based freakin’ simple fuzzer for fuzzing web applications and scraping data. […]
NSA Together With Mitre CWE and SANS Identifies Top 25 Programming Errors
[ad] Secure programming is a huge issue and it’s the lack of it that causes all the problems we have with vulnerabilities and the exploits associated with them. If everywhere developers followed secure programming practices we wouldn’t have buffer overflow issues or unsanitized parameters leading to SQL Injection. The NSA (National Security Agency), working with […]