LCP Download below, LCP is tool focused on account password auditing and recovery, it’s a free alternative to L0phtcrack LC5. It was popular during the time of Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 and could import hashes from local and remote computers in SAM and PWDUMP file formats. What is LCP Windows Password Cracker? LCP is one of the […]
Search Results for: l0phtcrack
Symantec Dumps L0phtcrack Password Cracker
Man this blows. It seems it happened quite a while ago, I only just found out about it recently though when I was checking to see if L0phtcrack had been updated past version 5. Symantec has quietly pulled the plug on sales of L0phtCrack, the venerable password auditing and recovery application. The decision to discontinue […]
Hacker Group L0pht Making A Comeback
[ad] L0pht has been a staple of the hacking scene since the Internet existed, with the ever fabulous L0phtcrack being their best known offering. Of course when that was sold off to Symantec then subsequently discontinued, things changed a lot. Well now the Hacker News Network is back online, one of the side projects of […]
lm2ntcrack – Microsoft Windows NT Hash Cracker (MD4 -LM)
We have covered quite a lot of Password Cracking tools and it’s not often a new one comes out, this one is for quite a specialised purpose (not a general all-purpose password cracker like John the Ripper or Cain & Abel), although you do need to use it alongside JTR. This tool is for instantly […]
Hacking Windows NT Through IIS & FTP
[ad] This is another selection from the Old Skool Philes, I like these as they tend to generate some good discussion and they are a good introduction to newcomers to hacking on the mindset and workflow of getting access to a box. The exact methods may not work, but we aren’t here to train script […]