So way back, this was the site 10 years ago when it launched in 2006 – not ALL that much different from today to be honest.
The current theme you see here has been in use since April 2010, so almost 6 years as of February 2016 – and it’s come time to change. Which is apt, as the one before that was used since the beginning of the site in 2006.
The current theme is pretty cool but it’s not mobile friendly at all, it’s kinda old, it’s no longer supported and probably not utterly efficient. So over the coming few days I’ll be upgrading everthing:
– Fresh install Server OS (to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)
– Fresh install and configure all server software (nginx, PHP, MySQL etc)
– Theme
– Plugins
And hopefully end up with a faster, more efficient, more stable and importantly mobile responsive site.
I’ll be sticking with Linode, because well it’s been really good (despite the pesky DDoS attacks).
Anyway, the point of this post is to let you know – you may well see some weirdness over the next few days as the DNS flip-flops, there may be some periods of downtime and things might look odd or keep shifting as I make changes to the new theme and functions of the site.
I hope to be all finished by Monday 15th Feb, so if it goes to plan – it should be business as usual then. Wish me luck.
And drop a comment below or on Facebook or contact me direct if you have any feature requests (within reason, like Facebook comments etc).
ax0n says
Best of luck in the migration! My VPS provider recently changed business models and I had to go through something similar moving to a new VPS entirely. Just don’t lose your RSS feed. I still get updates from you that way!
elios says
Check this out (should be cheaper than Linode)