Infernal Twin is an automatic wifi hacking tool, basically a Python suite created to aid penetration testers during wireless assessments, it automates many of the common attacks – which can get complicated and hard to manage when executed manually.
The author noticed a gap in the market with there being many tools to automate web application testing and network pen-tests, but no auto wifi hacker aimed at Wifi apart from some commercial tools. So this is an attempt to create a ‘1-click’ style auto wifi cracker – something like Metasploit. A framework with a whole bunch of different attack vectors bundled together in one interface.
What is an Evil Twin Attack?
An evil twin is a deceitful Wi-Fi access point that seems, by all accounts, to be the real deal, set up to listen stealthily on remote communications. The evil twin is the wireless LAN version of Phishing.
This type of attack vector might be utilized to grab the passwords of wireless clients, either by monitoring their network connections or by phishing, which includes setting up a fake site and drawing individuals there.
Features of Infernal Twin – Automatic Wifi Hacking Tool
- WPA2 hacking
- WEP Hacking
- WPA2 Enterprise hacking
- Wireless Social Engineering
- SSL Strip
- Evil Access Point Creation
- Infernal Wireless
- Report generation
- PDF Report
- HTML Report
- Note taking function
- Data is saved into Database
- Network mapping
- MiTM
- Probe Request
The tool leverages the work done on other utilities to avoid reinventing the wheel, popular wifi security tools such as aircrack-ng and SSLStrip.
You can download Infernal Twin automatic Wifi Hacking Tool here:
Or read more here.
Matte says
Where are the installation file ?
Can’t find it
sudon't says
I don’t know much about Windows, (I’m assuming here), or even whether Windows comes with a Python installation, but you would need to build this app using Python, (type: python on Mac OS). You might need Cygwin too, IDK. Too much to go into here, even if I knew what I was talking about.
Matte says
Yes windows here
Ok I will try it
sudon't says
Now that Kismac is no more…
3ntr0py says
the download link is there:
The tool is meant to work on Kali.