tinfoleak is basically an OSINT tool for Twitter, there’s not a lot of stuff like this around – the only one that comes to mind in fact is creepy – Geolocation Information Aggregator.
tinfoleak is a simple Python script that allow to obtain:
- basic information about a Twitter user (name, picture, location, followers, etc.)
- devices and operating systems used by the Twitter user
- applications and social networks used by the Twitter user
- place and geolocation coordinates to generate a tracking map of locations visited
- show user tweets in Google Earth!
- download all pics from a Twitter user
- hashtags used by the Twitter user and when are used (date and time)
- user mentions by the the Twitter user and when are occurred (date and time)
- topics used by the Twitter user
You can filter all the information by:
- start date / time
- end date / time
- keywords
You can download tinfoleak here:
Or you can read more here.
Vicente Aguilera Diaz says
Thanks for this post about my Tinfoleak tool.
Here you have a video with a demo:
On November 1, I will present a much more powerful versión of Tinfoleak at No cON Name conference.
Best regards,
— Vicente
Darknet says
Thanks for dropping by Vicente :)
Darvein says
pretty nice, but earthquake works nice too ;)
HhH says
it gives bad authentication error code 215
Vicente Aguilera Diaz says
Hi HhH,
It’s necessary to assign a value to the following variables to authenticate with Twitter:
More info:
# OAuth Settings
# How to obtain the API key:
# Go to https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new
# Copy the consumer key (API key), consumer secret, access token and access token secret
— Vicente