ODAT (Oracle Database Attacking Tool) is an open source penetration testing tool that test Oracle database security remotely.
Usage examples of ODAT:
- You have an Oracle database listening remotely and want to find valid SIDs and credentials in order to connect to the database
- You have a valid Oracle account on a database and want to escalate your privileges (ex: SYSDBA)
- You have a valid Oracle account and want to execute commands on the operating system hosting this DB (ex: reverse shell)
- search valid SID on a remote Oracle Database listener via: a dictionary attack/a brute force attack/ALIAS of the listener
- search Oracle accounts using: a dictionary attack/each Oracle user like the password
- execute system commands on the database server using: DBMS_SCHEDULER/JAVA/external tables/oradbg
- download files stored on the database server using: UTL_FILE/external tables/CTXSYS
- upload files on the database server using: UTL_FILE/DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR/DBMS_ADVISOR
- delete files using: UTL_FILE
- send/reveive HTTP requests from the database server using: UTL_HTTP/HttpUriType
- scan ports of the local server or a remote server using: UTL_HTTP/HttpUriType/UTL_TCP
- exploit the CVE-2012-313 (http://cvedetails.com/cve/2012-3137)
ODAT is compatible with Linux only. A standalone version exists in order to don’t have need to install dependencies and slqplus (see the build folder of the git). The ODAT standalone has been generated thanks to pyinstaller.
If you want to have the development version installed on your computer, these following tool and dependencies are needed:
- Langage: Python 2.7
- Oracle dependancies: Instant Oracle basic & Instant Oracle sdk
- Python libraries: cx_Oracle with the following recommended – colorlog/termcolor/argcomplete/pyinstaller
You can download ODAT standalone here:
32-Bit – odat-linux-libc2.19-i686.tar.gz
64-Bit – odat-linux-libc2.19-x86_64.tar.gz
Or read more here.
mesut says
I cant use it! Can anybody prepare a small tutorila or guide please?