NfSpy is a FUSE filesystem written in Python that automatically changes UID and GID to give you full access to any file on an NFS share. Use it to mount an NFS export and act as the owner of every file and directory.
Vulnerability Exploited
NFS before version 4 is reliant upon host trust relationships for authentication. The NFS server trusts any client machines to authenticate users and assign the same user IDs (UIDS) that the shared filesystem uses. This works in NIS, NIS+, and LDAP domains, for instance, but only if you know the client machine is not compromised, or faking its identity. This is because the only authentication in the NFS protocol is the passing of the UID and GID (group ID). There are a few things that can be done to enhance the security of NFS, but many of them are incomplete solutions, and even with them implemented, it could still be possible to circumvent the security measures.
- Use filehandles from packet captures instead of asking mountd.
- Hide from sysadmins by immediately “unmounting” while retaining access
- Specify port/protocol for NFS or Mountd if you don’t have access to the portmapper
You can download NfSpy here:
Or read more here.