Safe3 SQL Injector is one of the most powerful penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of back-end database servers.
- Full support for GET/Post/Cookie Injection
- Full support for HTTP Basic, Digest, NTLM and Certificate authentications
- Full support for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, ACESS, DB2, Sybase & Sqlite
- Full support for Error/Union/Blind/Force SQL injection
- Support for file access, command execute, IP domain reverse, web path guess, md5 crack etc.
- Super bypass WAF
You can download Safe3 SQL Injector here:
Or read more here.
Andy says
It’s worth noting that this is just a trial and isn’t fully functional (E.g. the Pentest section doesn’t work).
From purchase.txt
Contact safe3q@ or admin@
Fee $250
Pay throught Western Union
Darknet says
Hmm sneaky bait and switch, seen as though it’s on Sourceforge it’s implied that it’s open source. They don’t mention anything about a commercial version or this version being limited on the project page.
NNM says
So it’s just a scam…
And I’d bet all it does, is scan the website for forms and input boxes, then just brute force on every input every technique until it detects a vulnerability…
Hordakk says
this is a shame. and I was close to downloading it but I definitely cannot trust it now. Probably investigate it in a sandbox some time.
VMw4r3 says
Both links are dead.
Looks like Sourceforge have taken it down.
Darknet says
Yup, looks like SF ditched it – thanks for the update.
iris says
It’s not fully free,but can still inject database
You can it download from google