WEPBuster basically seems to be a toolkit that attempts to automate the tasks done by the various parts of the aircrack-ng suite.
The end goal of course is to crack the WEP key of a given Wireless network.
The main part of this is the autonomous nature of the toolkit, it can crack all access points within the range in one go. Other than the the features would be those found in aircrack-ng.
- Mac address filtering bypass (via mac spoofing)
- Auto reveal hidden SSID
- Client-less Access Point injection
- Shared Key Authentication
- WEP Decloaking (future version)
- Whitelists (crack only APs included in the list)
- Blacklists (do not crack APs included in the list)
You can download WEPBuster here:
Or read more here.
Capt.Wheeto says
Sort of like WEPSpoon or whatever it was then? It’s getting easier and easier to crack wireless networks. Do you think anyone will find anything significantly insecure in WPA?
bob says
i really don’t see why we need another one. spoonwep2 is enough to meet anyone’s needs.
cbrp1r8 says
yeah, WPA is at risk as well…just recently as in the last 6 months i remember seeing a paper in which 2 researchers had cracked the tkip side of wpa and were working on expanding upon it. they havn’t put out anything new since then but …its coming ..you know it is…count on it…
Kiran Gosavi says
Yes, WPA
Ammar says
Were can i find this?
i looked everywhere,
can someone send it to me to my email? or something please :)
[email protected]
anonymous says
You looked everywhere?? Duh! type wepbuster in google.. I like this tool.. very easy to use. Neat interface. Unlike other front ends to aircrack where you still have to click gazillion tabs and buttons, some even have sliders yet can only target one AP at a time… wepbuster rocks!!
Bogwitch says
As with any of the tools mentioned on this site, if you can’t find/download/run them, you shouldn’t.
Why shouldn’t you? There are several reasons:
1. You’re too stupid.
2. You’re likely to get arrested.
3. You’ll probably trash your OS.
4. You won’t be able to interpret the results.
wepbuster says
New beta version uploaded! beta 0.4
Eddy says
May i know which progam opens this file format? I have no idea which file format and i have search it up
Bogwitch says
Refer to my previous comment to Ammar.