BarsWF is basically an MD5 cracking tool and at the moment, is currently the fastest. Right now on nVidia 9600GT/C2D 3Ghz CUDA version does 350 M keys/sec, SSE2 version does 108 M keys/sec. You may check benchmarks of all known good MD5 bruteforcers here.
Changes in 0.8
- Added checks for errors when calling CUDA kernel.
- Now you can specify custom characters for charset using -X switch.
- You may specify minimal password length using -min_len.
- Save/restore feature added. State is being stored to barswf.save every 5 minutes or on exit. You may continue computation using -r switch. You may manually edit .save file to distribute job on several computers (but this is up to you – it is quite simple and non-documented ). BarsWF will also write found password into barswf.save at the end.
- Improved speed for cards GTX260, GTX280, 8800GT, 9600GSO, 8800GS, 8800GTS – by approximately 10%, all other cards will get just 1-2%.
System Requirements
- CUDA version only:nVidia GeForce 8xxx and up, at least 256mb of video memory.
- LATEST nVidia-driver with CUDA support.Standard drivers might be a bit older (as CUDA 2.0 is still beta)
- CPU with SSE2 support (P4, Core2Duo, Athlon64, Sempron64, Phenom).
- Recommended 64-bit OS (WinXP 64 or Vista64). 32-bit version is also available.
Download BarsWF 0.8 here:
BarsWF CUDA x64
BarsWF CUDA x32
BarsWF SSE x64
BarsWF SSE x32
Or read more here. (Thanks Navin)
Bruno Diniz says
Dear Srs,
Is there a BarsfWF with CUDA for Linux systems?
Varun says
Is the (read more) “here” link broken?
Pantagruel says
The forum doesn’t mention it, register and drop them a line.
You could try CygWin and alikes but that will at a huge speed penalty (dual boot would be a better option)
Veeru says
Please tell it is live linux distro for cracking.
If Yes, where to download the complete CD
Michail says
Hi, I’m the author of this thing.
Linux distro is in development, it’s goal #2. (Goal #1 is AMD support).
aldo villegas says
Impressive I am happy, to continue, to continue…..
Aldo vIlleGas m.
Michail says
AMD beta is out :-)