The Source Code Analysis Risk Evaluation project is a study to create a security complexity metric that will analyze source code and provide a realistic and factual representation of the potential of that source code to create a problematic binary. This metric will not say that the binary will be exploited nor does it do a static analysis for known limitations like vulnerabilities. However it will flag code for a particular interaction type or control and allow the developer to understand which Operational Security (OpSec) holes are not protected even if it can’t say the effectiveness of that protection at this time.
This computation will provide a final SCARE value, like the RAV, where 100% is the proper balance between controls to OpSec holes and no Limitations. Conversely, less than that shows an imbalance where too few Controls protect OpSec holes or Limitations in OpSec and Controls degrade the security.
The SCARE analysis tool is run against source code. Currently only C code is supported. The output file will contain all operational interactions possible which need controls (the current version does not yet say if and what controls are already there). At the bottom of the list are three numbers: Visibilities, Access, and Trusts. These 3 numbers can be plugged into the RAV Calculation spreadsheet available at http://www.isecom.org/ravs. The Delta value is then subtracted from 100 to give the SCARE percentage which indicates the complexity for securing this particular application. The lower the value, the worse the SCARE.
At this stage, the tool cannot yet tell which interactions have controls already or if those controls are applicable however once that is available it will change the RAV but not the SCARE. The SCARE will also not yet tell you where the bugs are in the code however if you are bug hunting, it will extract all the places where user inputs and trusts with user-accessible resources can be found in the code.
Currently, SCARE is designed to work for any programming language. While this methodology shows the C language, they need input and feedback from developers of other languages to expand this further.
If you are interested in helping with this project please contact ISECOM.
You can download SCARE here:
Or you can read more here.
Pantagruel says
Mmm interresting piece of kit, eventhough it says little about the exploitability of our qritten code, it does point out the bit’s of ugly code which could potentially lead to a problem. I know my code it rotten and bug ridden (hence I do not distribute a single line), but this would seriously help me asses the weak spots of my code and point me into a direction of ‘perfecting’ it.
eM3rC says
Very cool idea.
I know there will always be bugs regardless of what you do, but this would be a nice little addition to add to coding just for that little bit of extra insight into your code. I could see this being particularly useful for people new to the programming business or people looking for a little feedback (although its only C).
Thanks for this Darknet, although I’m probably not gonna use it someone should find it to be pretty useful.