Ah Metasploit development cycle seems to be picking up, I guess with greater community support the bugs get ironed out and the new features introduced faster.
Good to see an update so soon after Metasploit Framework v3.0 was released.
I keep closely up to date with Metasploit as it’s pretty much the best free tool out there right now, and certainly the most exciting along with Nmap.
The latest version features a graphical user interface, full support for the Windows platform, and over 450 modules, including 265 remote exploits. Metasploit 3.1 consolidates a year of research and development, integrating ideas and code from some of the sharpest and most innovative folks in the security research community.
The graphical user interface is a major step forward for Metasploit users on the Windows platform. Development of this interface was driven by Fabrice Mourron and provides a wizard-based exploitation system, a graphical file and process browser for the Meterpreter payloads, and a multi-tab console interface. “The Metasploit GUI puts Windows users on the same footing as those running Unix by giving them access to a console interface to the framework” said H D Moore, who worked with Fabrice on the GUI project.
The latest incarnation of the framework includes a bristling arsenal of exploit modules that are sure to put a smile on the face of every information warrior. Notable exploits in the 3.1 release include a remote, unpatched kernel-land exploit for Novell Netware, written by toto, a series of 802.11 fuzzing modules that can spray the local airspace with malformed frames, taking out a wide swath of wireless-enabled devices, and a battery of exploits targeted at Borland’s InterBase product line. “I found so many holes that I just gave up releasing all of them”, said Ramon de Carvalho, founder of RISE Security, and Metasploit contributor.
Metasploit runs on all modern operating systems, including Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, and most flavors of BSD. Metasploit has been used on a wide range of hardware platforms, from massive Unix mainframes to the tiny Nokia n800 handheld. Users can access Metasploit using the tab-completing console interface, the Gtk GUI, the command line scripting interface, or the AJAX-enabled web interface. The Windows version of Metasploit includes all software dependencies and a selection of useful networking tools.
You can download Metasploit v3.1 here:
Metasploit v3.1 tar.gz
Metasploit v3.1 exe
Or read more here.
goodpeople says
Metasploit rulez!
dirty says
Wasn’t the web interface kinda like a gui for the last version? Havn’t downloaded this yet but will tonight. Interested to see how the 2 compare. Seems like Metasploit is getting into ease of use, I hope it doesnt replace functionality.
goodpeople says
I like the gui. But the web interface and commandline are still available.
Pantagruel says
With goodpeople, the GUI looks pretty slick but I guess avid Metasploit users preffer either the webinterface or the CLI
Dornez says
Has the autopwn feature been folded into the official release for this version?
eM3rC says
I vote for the GUI personally.
Great program with even more punch!
J. Lion says
How does this compare to Core Impact (without considering the cost factor)? Is this better?
eM3rC says
Metasploit is an excellent disto and seriously recommend you use it. Isn’t core impact like a $4000 program?
J. Lion says
Probably more – as from what I heard it was a less steep learning curve vs metasploit
eM3rC says
I would say metasploit because
1) its not illegally obtained
2) you can get help really easily
3) will be a lot more information on it because it is a free and readily available distro.
fever says
got this and it is lots of well made tools.
xuan_anhhh says
why i can’t download metasploit v3.1
Bogwitch says
The Metasploit servers have an intelligence filter. They ascertain the ability of the proposed downloader to execute their software in a safe manner and, based on some astonishingly clever heuristics, allow or disallow the download. You failed the test.
Navin says