There was a massive failure on our web-host resulting in almost 100% data loss, our own back-up was from September 10th so we are trying to restore the site to full capacity as we speak.
It’s in a bit of a mess at the moment, but we’ll get it back up to speed at latest by Monday.
We have to manually reinstall everything including the theme and all the functionality from customisations and plugins, we will manually restore all the posts since Sept 10th if they really can’t be recovered from the crashed server.
But all comments from Sept 10th will be lost.
We are currently using a temporary hosting solution, does anyone have a good suggestion for a webhost that accepts Paypal, does PROPER back-ups which can’t be b0rked by a ‘cascade’ failure and has good uptime & network speed.
If you know of one either drop us a mail or comment below.
Thanks for bearing with us.
Bogwitch says
Last backup September 10th? Shame on you!
Glad to see you’re back, ggouck with the rebuild.
Nobody_Holme says
Dude, that sucks. They’d SO better being giving you yur money back for the time from the backup to the crash… useless fools.
Sandeep Nain says
@Darknet, First of all you must take some severe action against your hosting service provider who couldn’t recover any of your data.
Why were they not taking backups. :( (cost cutting may be… )
And I don’t think I should be asking you any questions like .. WHY weren’t you taking regular backups of your stuff??
Anyways.. good work in getting everything back up and running… I’m sure this is a big lesson learnt.
Pedro Venda says
Hmm… being a security-minded blog, surely the guys behind it would not have a hard time imagining that an automatic backup strategy is a fundamental security measure. Disasters do happen. See?
Heck, assuming that you have shell access and that the bulk of the website’s content is stored in a database (on the same host), even a 10 line shell script with some rsync hackery running every day from some off-site host would do!
Sorry for the criticism, surely now is not the best time, but please accept it and learn the lesson.
Best of luck for the next times.
Cheers, PJ.
TheRealDonQuixote says
Man that sucks. Best of luck with getting everything back to normalcy, or as close as it gets to normal.
If you’re feeling down, I recommend saying “POOP”, only in a high voice like a choo choo train was making the noise. Ha Ha, “POOP”, just thinking about it while I write makes me laugh, cause its a funny word.
If you need anything, you know how to contact me.
Jim K says
I’ve had really good luck with godaddy.com’s hosting packages. Before godaddy I was with a horrible company (guesshosting) that was hacked 3 times in 6 months taking down my site completely. On top of that there were two total servers losses in the 6 months prior to the 3 hacks. Godaddy support has been very responsive. Not sure about the paypal requirement though…
Rick says
I have been in webhosting for a while, did you ever think of co-locating your own server?
Anyway If you want good cheap hosting I can help you out.
Onn says
go for hostgator.com
backbone says
nasty shit… don’t now how you gonna manage to recover the articles from 10th September… through google cache?
fazed says
Im setting up a web host at the moment.
I will host you for free.. email me.
Andre Glegg says
try http://adj-hosting.co.uk
Matt says
Go with hostmysite.com. Awesome for shared/dedicated/colocated/vps hosting and has a full team for daily backups
Darknet says
Thanks all, will probably get a VPS been looking around cost is a bit higher but it looks like it’s worth it.
Thanks for the all the suggestions, I’ve checked them out.
The only one I disagree with is hostgator – I used them in the past for a large forum and they were crap, I even had a semi-dedicated box with them and it was unstable as hell, their network was down all the time too and their admins were incompetent.
Co-lo is a bit awkward for me as I’m not in the US, so putting it in a data-center here will be slow for everyone else.
Well I was taking fairly regular back-ups, I just hadn’t put a system in place….this blog has grown big over-time before I realized it. I’m just glad I backed up on Sept 10th! That really saved my ass.
Pedro no shell access, if not I would have automated the back-up long ago.
Anyway proper back-up will be in place when we move to the new server whichever way I have to do it :)
Thanks again for the support.
fazed says
ah how I love google cache..
and welldone for getting the site
back up so quickly..