What is open music?
Open Music is music that is shareable, available in “source code” form, allows derivative works and is free of cost for non-commercial use. It is the concept of “open source” computer software applied to music.
And it has a license as source code programs have too. Even more it comes under 2 licenses: Green and Yellow.
Who seems to promote open source music? -> Magnatune
Don’t know where to start with open music? Try at LinuxTAG as a start, and after that move to Open Music Archive.
Why did I post the article? Because I liked the idea and to inform you that from now on we’ll have “secure” music. Just kidding… The truth is that many firms have tried to shutdown P2P servers due to piracy (in this case music).
I’m thinking in perspective, first open source software, then open source music… what next? Open source movies? Could be.
Listening to: Magic Mushrooms :: Open Source
slimer says
there are open-source-movies:
List of open content films
thx for the article
backbone says
lol… I was just saying so, didn’t knew that there was something likes this… it is true that I haven’t asked my friend google…
Sandeep Nain says
Open source music and movies.. didnt know about it before.
Thanks for sharing it with is backbone and slimer(for movies)…
TheRealDonQuixote says
Music, Check. Movies, Check. Pr0n ????
Oh its coming.
slimer says
here some good b-movies:
Source: http://www.nerdcore.de
eM3rC says
I personally think pandora has the best free music