Another video in 2-3 days… I think i this becoming like a mania for me… Anyway in this video i played around with netstat so that for those who do not play with it could see the possibilities it offers to us… no more tutorials like:
netstat -a
to view all you connections
the end
… because I have seen to many of this of tuts when they speak about netstat… anyway check it out and tell me your opinion… you know it… youtube for lame quality mediafire for good quality (i got a channel)
Video: netstat revealed
Channel: my youtube channel
Download: netstat.avi
Daniel says
again i say unto you.
backbone says
what is podcast?
Darknet says
I think they mean include a voice-over in the video :)
Podcasting is just like blogging via voice, videocasting is same but with video.
Daniel says
a podcast doesn’t necessarily mean only audio
a podcast is a video file served to listeners (or in this case) viewers by the RSS mechanism.
WIKIPEDIA article on Podcasting