(IN)SECURE Magazine is a freely available digital security magazine discussing some of the hottest information security topics. It can be distributed only in the form of the original non-modified PDF document.
The 9th issue of (IN)SECURE magazine was recently released, in this issue you can find the following:
- Effectiveness of security by admonition: a case study of security warnings in a web browser setting
- Interview with Kurt Sauer, CSO at Skype
- Web 2.0 defense with AJAX fingerprinting and filtering
- Hack In The Box Security Conference 2006
- Where iSCSI fits in enterprise storage networking
- Recovering user passwords from cached domain records
- Do portable storage solutions compromise business security?
- Enterprise data security – a case study
- Creating business through virtual trust: how to gain and sustain a competitive advantage using information security
You can get it at www.insecuremag.com or directly here:
ISSUE 1.9 (December 2006) – DOWNLOAD
You can find the complete archive online HERE, it’s well worth a look.