It seems the recent fake login flaw effects both Internet Exploder and Firefox.
Good to keep alert and with the new update mechanism it’s very simple to update your Firefox installation.
The latest versions of both Firefox and Internet Explorer are vulnerable to an unpatched flaw that allows hackers to snaffle users’ login credentials via automated phishing attacks.
The information disclosure bug affects the password manager in Firefox 2.0 and its equivalent in IE7. Firefox’s Password Manager, for example, fails to properly check URLs before filling in saved user credentials into web forms. As a result, hackers might be able to swipe users credentials via malicious forms in the same domain, providing users have already filled out forms on this domain.
Basically you just need to disable the feature that rememebrs the passwords, and it seems for once the vector is slightly more serious for Firefox users than for IE users.
Samples of attacks utilising the flaw have already been reported on MySpace. Firefox 2.0 users might be more at risk from the flaw because IE7 does not automatically fill in saved information. Security notification firm Secunia advises users to disable the “remember passwords for sites” option in their browsers pending the delivery of patches.
This so-called reverse cross-site request flaw was discovered by security researcher Robert Chapin, who explains the issue in greater depth in an advisory here.
Reverse cross site scripting? The names are getting more and more complicated.
Source: The Register
chris says
I did a search on this cause I knew someone would do it, fed by a bit of paranoia on my part.
The simplest way to fix it is…
In the Password Remember options; the user selects or types something that should be shown every time the box comes up…
eg. Welcome message [H3ll0 Cr4zy M4n!]
Thus, if you don’t see that in the global password request box then you would know it’s a phis attempt :)
Is that the best solution or what