Grab the new Firefox now,! 8 Security Vulnerabilities have been fixed in this last release of the year 2006.
I’m glad to see Firefox upholding their quick turnaround and rapid fixing of issues that spring up during development and improvement of their product.
Mozilla has released the first update for the Firefox 2.0 browser to fix eight security vulnerabilities.
According to the company, release of Firefox fixes flaws in memory corruption as well as the way the browser executes RSS (really simple syndication), Javascript and CSS (cascading style sheets) code, among other vulnerabilities. Mozilla also patched similar flaws in its Firefox 1.5 browser.
Five of the eight flaws were rated as critical, according to Firefox. A critical rating means a Firefox user would be vulnerable to attack and remote software installation on their machines just from browsing the Web in the usual fashion. Two of the flaws were rated as high, while one received a low security-risk rating, Firefox said.
Mozilla’s advisory and information on the update can be found on the company’s Web site.
Danish security firm Secunia ApS also posted information about the patches on its Web site.
Source: Infoworld