We are happy to announce that the 1.2.6 (christine) release of the Basic Analysis and Security Engine (BASE) is available.
BASE is the Basic Analysis and Security Engine. It is based on the code from the Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases (ACID) project. This application provides a web front-end to query and analyze the alerts coming from a SNORT IDS system.
I used to LOVE ACID, and I have to say BASE has taken it one step further, it’s a superb project.
A number of bugs have been fixed including some that affected IE and the setup system for BASE. A couple of interface tweaks have also been done to make it more user friendly.
The developers are currently looking for more people willing to test the BASE releases as they work on them. If you are interested, feel free to contact [email protected]
The BASE team have also started coding the 2.x code base. If you have any ideas or feedback regarding that rewrite, please forward them to the BASE developers list which is a public mailing list.
You can download the new version of BASE at:
evilfoo says
Been using this for sometime now and kevin johnson (The Leader of this project) is a really nice guy. I met him at the SANS conference in Florida and he actually introduce BASE to us during the conference. He even showed us how to install it and how it worked. At that time nobody had heard of BASE and its actually build around ACID because apparently nobody has updated ACID for quite a while so kevin and a bunch of other coder pick up where ACID left off.
This software works similar to ACID if you’ve used it before with some added features. It’s a really cool corellation engine for analysing your snort logs.