Only as I am writing these lines I can imagine some people who will start laughing when reading this article… But my dear friends this may be the real thing… will see who will laugh 10 years from now…
I. Introduction
This article was ment to be, because, as you will notice, more and more hacking tools for windows have appeared…. Of course, you will say that hackin’ histeria began on *nix systems… and will exist forever… R.I.P.
II. Tools
Now this is were all the fun starts… because, as you will notice there are a number of tools that are ported, or very similar to *nix tools, that can be found for windows…
1. Mozilla [Firefox] – this is a must be (for security reasons), also a browser is comonly needed for anybody who wants to do webhacking…. so get it while it’s hot
2. nmap – didn’t you now? NMap was ported to Windoze, without the GUI, but that doesn’t bother anybody, does it? [ ]
3. Putty – our grandious telnet/rlogin/ssh client… basicaly you can do with it any unencrypted type of conection; from telnet, ftp, smtp to http… [ grab it ]
4. Nemesis – your daily packet builder for Windows, not as good as HPing but an alternative… at least you can Remote LanD with it ;) [ ]
More tools:
III. Brains
You’ll need to have a basic knwolege about hacking, which I supose you have so i’ll give you a list with usefull links for exploits, whitepapers, etc… you will just need some time, to read them, or to be pacient…
0Day Exploits:
IV. Ambition
This is a must be… because without ambitions you will give up very quickly and will start posting on huge groups things like:
can someone help me hack yahoo
how do I flood someone
I want to be a hacker can someone help me
I’m a win user can somebody give me a shell?
V. Epilogue
I don’t like that much Windows, but it’s gonna be [and it is] a great alternative for the ones who don’t use *nix systems… so cut the crap and learn… peace
Optikal says
Heh, nicely put together, only a couple typo’s 2.. C0ol
Flopik says
The operating system is only a layer to communicate with the hardware. This is not true that you have to be a linux guru to be a good hackers, you can do the same thing with Windows , it’s only true because you have must tools created for linux.
Saint27 says
i want to hack chatsites on the www and woul like it if someone could help and give tips as to how i can do this. i can hack certian parts of the profiles of the users and clone nic names etc. Yes it might sound childish and simple to you but i would like to be able to change the whole profile 4 example nick names age pictures descriptions etc. go to and check it out if you don’t know what i mean. im using windows xp pro with sp2 and either Internet xplorer 7 or opera 9 as browsers plz help.
__^insert brain here^ ;-) says
no comment [on previous comment]
I presume 10 years from now is a long time… and the followup of Vi$ta might make something easier for others ?
I cannot get away from that feeling if this is some honeypot project ;-)
But however you gave me a little grin — at least thx for that.
Peace !
darkcloud says
Hey all, i have a program wich there is no crack for since its discontinued and its a point of sale program, can anyone help me crack it its only 18 mb and its not that good of security just a serial and another code maybe someone could crack it for me: email me at [email protected]
Devils Advocate says
a little poem if I may
“Whilst Linus stole a kernel and repackaged it as his own, young William sat home dateless; and built his bloody own!”
WHAT says
Bill gates didn’t build his own OS.
Bogwitch says
Bill Gates has been heavily involved with OS development in the past.
he last project he spearheaded was MS-DOS 4, which introduced memory management above the 640K limit. This OS was rapidly replaced with MS-DOS 4.01 due to some really buggy code in the memory management.
Bill Gates had no involvement with MS-DOS 4.01. Go figure.