Ever wanted to download those cool videos from youtube.com? (Its an online video storage site similar to imageshack.us for storing images) and can’t because those peeps made it difficult for you to just download them offline? Well now you can !!
Go to fileleecher.com and follow the instructions on how to copy the youtube.com video link and download the video. Once you’ve download the video you’ll have to rename to .flv if doesn’t already have the extension. Then you’ll need to download the encoder to covert the .flv file format into other formats. For that you’ll need Riva FLV Encoder. The installation includes the player for FLV and the encoder for converting it to mpeg or avi.
After all that you can do what ever you want with the videos. Put it into your iPod video, PSP or even convert it to .3GP for putting it into your mobile phone.
Many thanks to CYBERAXIS SG for this site.
Pedro Pinheiro says
.flv videos are playable directly by the VLC (VideoLan) player. Downloadable for lots of platforms at http://www.videolan.org – and it can also be used to transcode to other platforms or to stream your videos.
PLayer Hater says
vlc r0cks!
it plays practically everything
doubled says
how do you rename files to .flv so i can convert them using riva flv encoder??
edward says
it doesn’t work when i try to convert it with the riva encoder…a popup says that if failed and that it could be cause by a not supported combination of parameters or by a not supported video codec
Darknet says
I recommend just using VLC (VideoLan) player for everything!
It’s really great.
Malcolm Gibb says
Would Like weekly updates
ronald says
how do i record to a cd? or dcd?
squeez25 says
pls download my video junction.thanks
tricey says
I know how to do all the stuff your saying. Downloding and making them into .flv files, once i do that. The conveter can’t even pick up the files in my desk top. therefore, the files can’t be converted. So what should i do?
Darknet says
1) Saving anything on your desktop is a bad habit, save elsewhere
2) See the comments above! Just use VLC and play them directly.
plunky says
Does anyone have a new way to download from YouTube? None of the web sites listed here are working anymore. I just keep getting 2KB files.
Darknet says
plunky try http://www.keepvid.com
evilfoo says
There’s a really cool plugin for firefox which can do this with a click of a button.
Lizzie says
ThIs WaS PrEtTy AwEsOmE!
tnarik says
or try the Ooh? Video Ook! Firefox extension: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/2584/
Christian says
Another alternative that is platform independent:
Sven Söderlund says
Try vidgrabber.com